National flaps are different from regular lodge flaps in that they are worn by arrowmen from lodges all across the country. Issued by the National Executive Secretary of the National Committee of the Order of the Arrow, these flaps are only worn by an individual while serving in the capacity indicated by the flap and have traditionally been restricted to two per person.

National flaps have been issued for members of the National Committee, and the OA Service Corps for the 1977, 1981, 1985, 1989, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2010, 2013, 2017, and 2023 National Jamborees (Miura). Matching armbands were also issued for the 1989, 1993, 2005, 2010, and 2017 National Jamborees.

The OA has provided service troops since the 1950 National Jamboree. These early troops were issued armbands instead of flaps at the 1950, 1953, 1957, 1960, 1964, and 1973 Jamborees (Aldridge).

For the 2010 Jamboree, additional flaps were also created for the OA Indian Village, Mysterium Compass, as well as an 100th Anniversary and a Thank You flap. For the 2013 Jamboree, additional flaps were also created for the OA Day of Service, OA Trek Guides, OA Indian Village, and a OA Staff Thank You flap. Starting with the 2017 Jamboree, an expanded Operation Arrow program with a commemorative flap set that included flaps for the Aerial Sports Team, OA Exhibit, OA Trek Guides, OA Indian Village, Medical Transport Corps, and Headquarters Team.

At the 2015 NOAC, endowment flaps were sold to celebrate recipients of the OA Distinguished Service Award and the Founder's Award.

OA at National Events

by The Scout Patch Auction
In 2018 and 2020, flaps were issued for the OA Summit Experience at SBR, the OA Trail Crew at Philmont, the OA Ocean Adventure at Florida Sea Base, the OA Wilderness Voyage at Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness, and the OA Canadian Odyssey at Quetico Provincial Park.

In 2019 the National Council created Wewikit Lodge, mainly for professionals and the National Chief and National Vice-Chief. Volunteers and professionals attending the National Planning Meeting in December were each given a flap badge from this lodge (Minnihan and Shelley). According to, 350 were manufactured by Moritz Embroidery in July of that year. In my opinion, these are more akin to the discontinued National Committee flaps.

For the 2023 Jamboree, Operation Arrow was described as an

"opportunity to experience the 2023 National Jamboree, with the option to serve on Jamboree staff with the OA Service Corps or the OA Summit Apex Program. The OA Service Corps is our traditional service-oriented team that has supported jamboree programs and operations since 1950. It's a great way to serve and see many different aspects of the jamboree. As a member of the OA Service Corps you will be formed into 'chapters' that provide support to jamboree program and operations. This may include supporting contingent arrival, assisting with jamboree program staffing, jamboree show mobilization and more. The Summit Apex is a new half-day outpost program area that will inspire Scouts to realize and truly appreciate the benefits of their Scouting membership. Scouts will engage in large-scale activities, a unique jamboree dinner experience, and evening reflection/celebration that will leave them with a renewed enthusiasm for Scouting and a determination to grow membership back home."

Also, a commemorative flap set was issued that included flaps for the OA Alliance, OA Program, OA Service Corps, Summit Apex, and Management Team.

National OA Committee, NCf1 
red rolled edge on black twill, black reverse
aka "the black flap"
Discontinued in 1995 or 1996

National OA Committee, NCf2 
red rolled edge on black twill, white reverse
aka "the black flap"
Discontinued in 1995 or 1996
image courtesy of Robert C. Evans

2009 NOAC National Committee 

Wewikit Lodge, s1 
2019 (350 made)

2023 NSJ Operation Arrow Commemorative flap set cover

Management Team, Service Corps,
OA Alliance,
OA Program, Summit Apex

2023 NSJ Operation Arrow Management Team staff flap s?
dark blue border

2023 NSJ Operation Arrow Service Corps staff flap s?
dark blue border

2023 NSJ Operation Arrow OA Program staff flap s?
dark blue border

2023 NSJ Operation Arrow Summit Apex staff flap s?
dark blue border

2023 NSJ Operation Arrow event flap s?
dark blue border

2020 OA High Adventure Flap Set cover

OA Summit Experience SBR, OA Trail Crew Philmont SR
OA Ocean Adventure, Florida National High Adventure Sea Base
OA Wilderness Voyage Northern Tier, OA Canadian Odyssey Northern Tier

2018 OA High Adventure flaps numbered set cover
#249 / 250

OA Wilderness Voyage Northern Tier, OA Trail Crew Philmont SR,
OA Summit Experience SBR,
OA Ocean Adventure, Florida National High Adventure Sea Base,
OA Canadian Odyssey Northern Tier

2017 NSJ Operation Arrow Commemorative Numbered Flap Set cover
#282 / 500

Aerial Sports Team, Headquarters Team,
Indian Village,
Medical Transport Corps, OA Exhibit,
Service Corps, Trek Guides

2015 NOAC DSA endowment flap

2015 NOAC Founder's Award endowment flap

2013 NSJ OA Limited Edition Numbered Flap Set cover
#51 / 700

OA Service Corps, Day of Service,
Trek Guides, Indian Village

2013 NSJ OA Staff "Thank You" flap s5
yellow border
Thank You flap for all OA Jamboree staff

2010 NSJ BSA 100th Anniv. flap
& thank you card

2010 NSJ OA Service Corps s1 
silver mylar border
staff flap, 2 ea.
2010 NSJ Mysterium Compass s? 
silver mylar border
staff flap, 2 ea.
2010 NSJ Indian Village flap s? 
silver mylar border
staff flap, 2 ea.
image from eBay
2010 NSJ Thank You s2 
"Thank You," w/ gold mylar border
OA area administration and leaders,
strict 1 per person
image courtesy of Robert C. Evans

2005 NSJ OA Service Corps s1
white border
trader flap, 2 per staff

2005 NSJ OA Service Staff s2
red border
staff flap (400 made)

2005 NSJ OA Service Staff s3
gold border
special recognition flap (150 made)
image courtesy of Robert C. Evans

2001 NSJ OA Service Staff s1
white solid flap with dark blue border
trader flap, 2 per staff (1,500 made)

2001 NSJ OA Service Staff s2
white solid flap with red border
1 per staff (150 made)

2001 NSJ OA Service Staff s3
white solid flap with yellow border
special recognition flap

1997 NSJ OA Service Staff s1
teal border, all OA Staff including
TOAP, Indian Village, Odyssey
(approx. 2,000)

1997 NSJ OA Service Staff s2
red border, 1 per staff (150 made)

1993 NSJ OA Service Corps f1
service corps & youth services staff
3 per staff (approx. 375 made)

1989 NSJ OA Service Corps f1
light blue twill (NT) flap with blue border
extra star top left above arrow shaft

1989 NSJ OA Service Corps f1
light blue twill (NT) flap with blue border
no left star above arrow

1989 NSJ OA Service Corps x1 

A genuine flap has a light blue or powder blue background, and the bottom text is aligned parallel to the bottom border. Authentic flaps have two varieties, with and without an extra star in the top left above the arrow shaft.

1989 NSJ OA Service Corps, zfNT
fake, blue twill (NT) flap with blue border
image courtesy of Robert C. Evans

1989 NSJ OA Service Corps, zfTLS
fake, blue twill (TLS) flap with blue border
image courtesy of Robert C. Evans

Fakes of the 1989 Service Corps flap appeared during the Jamboree (Evans). According to a post by Destry Hoffard at The Scout Patch Auction, all those who were dealing fakes at the Jamboree were arrested. Ron Aldridge documented the TLS fake (12-702), and Robert C. Evans found an additional fake, another NT.

1985 NSJ OA Service Corps s1
dark blue solid flap with gold border

1981 NSJ OA Service Corps f1
orange-gold twill flap

1977 NSJ OA Service Corps f1
white twill flap with blue border

Jamboree Armbands

2017 NSJ Operation Arrow/
OA Exhibit & Display Staff armband

2010 NSJ OA Service Corps armband set
images from eBay

2005 NSJ OA Service Corps armband 
1993 NSJ OA Service Corps armband 

1989 NSJ OA Service Corps armband 
1973 NSJ OA Service Corps armband 

1964 OA GHQ Service Troops armband
"Estimated 150 armbands made." (Aldridge 12-684)
images from Aldridge and eBay
1960 Jamboree Service Troops armband 
"... the Order provided 80 arrowmen to man two service troops.... The third service troop was manned by Alpha Phi Omega. All three service troops wore the same armband this time, with an estimated 120 armbands made." (Aldridge 12-682)
image from Scut Farkus, This Old Boy Scout Patch blog

1957 OA GHQ Service Troop armband
red on white background
"Estimated 25 made with approximately 6-8 known in collections." (Aldridge 12-680)
1953 OA GHQ Service Troop armband 
"36 made, 20 presented, with approximately 6-8 known in collections."
(Aldridge 12-678)
image from

1950 Jamboree Service Troop armband
"Estimated 50 made with approximately 12 known in collections." (Aldridge 12-676)
image from eBay

Staff Troop #3260
Troop 4-- John Hartman, SM

The 1993 Jamboree OA Service Corps (Staff Troop #3260) was made up of four troops, and also included support staff and key members of the National Committee. It's my guess that there were only 125 of us total, in addition to the Youth Services staff.

We were housed at Longstreet Camp, Youth Services HQ near the OA Indian Village and Trading Post C. We had the privilege to work with a lot of cool people, including Del Loder, National Chief Brian Beaverstock, Ed Pease, Allen Mossman, and Dr. Carl Marchetti. While the rain was pretty bad for a day or two, we all had a really memorable time.

Initially, we could purchase two service corps flaps, and were also issued the armband (only one each). During the Jamboree, we were given the option to purchase a third flap. All of the extras were distributed to the rest of Youth Services.

Sep. 1994 edition of the ASTAR featured National flaps, with my Service Corps flaps 

Works Cited:

Aldridge, Ronald G., Ph.D., Patches and Memorabilia of the Order of the Arrow at National Events, vol 2, Argyle, TX: n.p., 1998. Print.
Bazonis, Mike, 1997 NSJ OA Service Corps
Evans, Robert C.
Hoffard, Destry. "Unknown title." The Scout Patch Auction. Web.
Minnihan, Dave and Bruce Shelley. "OA News." International Scouting Collectors Association Journal, vol. 20, no. 1, Mar 2020, p. 18. PDF file.
Miura, David T., "National Order of the Arrow Flaps." American Scouting Traders Association Report, The, 9.3 (Sep. 1994): 1. Print.
"Operation Arrow 2023." Operation Arrow 2023 National Jamboree. Boy Scouts of America, 28 Feb 2023. Web. 18 Jun 2023.
Ramsey, Terry A., Valuation Guide Supplement For Selected National Jamboree Flaps & Patches
"Wewikit Lodge." PatchScan, Boy Scouts of America, Jul 2019. Web. 5 Feb 2023.

OAS My Collection: National Flaps
Created: June 1996
This page updated:
MAC Flap Space Fillers
Areas E, F, & III-B
Area III-F
Section NE-5C
Section NE-5
Section NE-5A
Section NE-3A
Sections NE-4A & E14

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