"Western Pennsylvania has a dynamic history and features several early lodges within the Order of the Arrow. It hosted early National Meetings at Camp Twin Echo and featured large, robust and vibrant Area meetings as early as [1940]. The explosive growth of the Order resulted in attendance of over 600 members at the 1953 Area III-B meeting Camp Twin Echo, one of the largest gatherings outside of a National Conference."
Reference: A Guide to Collecting Western Pennsylvania Area Meeting & Section Conclave Memorabilia, by Tom Price and Todd Rogers

  • In 1938, lodges in Western Pennsylvania were assigned to Area 5, which was then renamed Area E in 1940:

    Area 5/E (1938-42)
    Wagion 6
    Eriez 46
    Kuwewanik 57
    Anicus 67
    8/13/38: Sagamore 130
    11/3/38: Ah'Tic 139
    9/8/39: Unalachtigo 168

    m = merged into
    nc = name changed
    dis = disbanded
    rc = re-chartered
    {event not confirmed}
    <event not held>
    1938-1942 Area 5/E Conferences
    <1938> not held not held
    1939, Sep 2-4 Anicus 67 Camp Twin Echo
    1940 host? location?
    {1941} held? held?
    {1942} held? held?

    References: "Area Leaders," Bulletin from the National Chief, Feb. 1938; "List of Lodges by Areas," Bulletin from the National Chief, Feb. 1940

  • By Dec. 1942, Area E was renamed Area F:

    Area F (1943-47)
    Wagion 6
    Eriez 46
    Kuwewanik 57
    Anicus 67
    Sagamore 130
    Ah'Tic 139
    Unalachtigo 168
    7/1/43: Chimalus 242
    11/4/43: Ho-Squa-Sa-Ga-Dah 251
    3/21/44: Cornplanter 255
    3/23/44: Deer Rock 256
    8/14/44: Monachgen 275 (dis 9/46)
    8/1/46: Wopsononock 347
        7/15/46: Wisawanik 347 (nc)
    1943-1947 Area F Conferences
    {1943} held? held?
    1944, Sep. 2-4 Wagion 6 Camp Wesco
    1945, Aug 24-26 Eriez 46 Camp Sequoyah
    1945, Sep 1-3 Anicus 67 Camp Twin Echo
    1946, Aug 16-18 Deer Rock 256 Camp Coffman
    1946, Aug 31-Sep 2 Chimalus 242 Camp Anawanna
    1947, Aug 30-Sep 1 Kuwewanik 57 Hubbard SR

    Reference: Dingwerth, Frank, and Chris Jensen. Order of the Arrow Conclave Handbook, vol. 1

    "In some cases due to travel distances, there were two meetings held in a given year, usually two or three weeks apart at a northern or southern camp." (Price 3)

    The Sep. 1948 edition of the National Bulletin includes an article on the 1948 meeting held at Camp Twin Echo. While the program booklet and the patch issued for the event call it "Area F," the article specifically refers to it as the "Area III-b Fellowship meeting. This is because this event occurred immediately after the integration into the 12 BSA Regions was announced.

    The article describes how the "delegates from Anicus Lodge hurried from the [1948] National Meeting [at Indiana University] directly to Camp Twin Echo of their East Boroughs Council of Wilkinsburg, Pa., to take up their duties as hosts for the Area III-b Fellowship meeting slated for September 4-5-6. This meeting had a registration of 365 Scouts and Scouters from 12 lodges in this area..." All subsequent 3-B events have been numbered from 1948.

    Trivia: Camp Twin Echo was also the site of the 1940 National Meeting.

    Area 3-B (1948-53)
    Wagion 6
    Eriez 46
    Kuwewanik 57
    Anicus 67
    Sagamore 130
    Ah'Tic 139
    Unalachtigo 168
    Chimalus 242
    Ho‑Squa‑Sa‑Ga‑Dah 251
    Cornplanter 255 (dis 1/50)
    Deer Rock 256
    Wopsononock 347
    7/20/1949: Packanke 419
    9/8/1950: Amadahi 441
    6/18/1951: Allegewi 455
    7/29/53: Shingis 497
    Summer 1953: Indiana 275

    1948-53 Area 3-B Conferences
    1948 Anicus 67 Camp Twin Echo
    1949 Eriez 46 Camp Sequoyah
    1950 Ah'Tic 139 Camp Mountain Run
    1951 Unalachtigo 168 Camp Bucoco
    1952 Chimalus 242 Camp Anawanna
    1953 Anicus 67 Camp Twin Echo

  • 1948 Area 3-B Conference 
    Camp Twin Echo, PA
    Anicus 67
    Sep 4-6, 1948

    image from eBay
    patch was ordered before the 12 BSA Region integration
    1949 Area 3-B Conference n/c slide 
    Camp Sequoyah, PA
    Eriez 46
    Aug 26-28, 1949

    image courtesy of Todd Rogers

    1950 3-B Conference 
    Camp Mountain Run, PA
    Ah'Tic 139
    Aug 25-27, 1950

    image from eBay
    1951 3-B Conference 
    Camp Bucoco, PA
    Unalachtigo 168
    Aug 24-26, 1951
    1952 3-B Conference 
    Camp Anawanna, PA
    Chimalus 242
    Aug 22-24, 1952
    1953 3-B Conference 
    Camp Twin Echo, PA
    Anicus 67
    Aug 28-30, 1953

    image from eBay

  • At the 1953 3-B Area Conference at Twin Echo, there were 620 attendees from 16 lodges. Up to that time, it was the largest Area Fellowship Meeting ever to be held-- larger than all but four National Meetings. According to the 1967 Area 3-B Meeting booklet, it was at the 1953 Conference that it was decided to divide the Area into two new areas: the 8 lodges in the Pittsburgh area, and the 8 remaining lodges. A coin toss at the 1953 meeting determined that the first group of lodges would be become the new Area 3-F, and the second group would remain as Area 3-B (Price 3).
    Reference: 1953 3-B Area Conference newsletter

    Old Area 3-B

    Area 3-B (1954-60)
    Eriez 46
    Ah'Tic 139
    Ho-Squa-Sa-Ga-Dah 251
    5/29/1960: Gyantwachia 255
        1/1/1954: Chief Cornplanter 255 (nc)
    after 8/24/1959: Skanondo Inyan 256
        Deer Rock 256 (nc)
    Wopsononock 347
    Amadahi 441
    Packanke 419
    Allegewi 455

    to Area 3-F by 1954
    Wagion 6
    Kuwewanik 57
    Anicus 67
    Sagamore 130
    Unalachtigo 168
    Chimalus 242
    Shingis 497

  • description:

    Area 3-B (1961-72)

    Area 3-B (1973)

    to Area 3-F Jun 1973
    8/72: Langundowi 46
        Eriez 46
        Ho-Squa-Sa-Ga-Dah 251
        Skanondo Inyan 256
    Ah'Tic 139
    Gyantwachia 255
    9/70: Nachamawat 275
        Hopocan 275 (from 3-F)
        Wopsononock 347
        Amadahi 441
    Packanke 419*
    Allegewi 455
    Packanke 419

    *The Final III-B Area Meeting held Aug. 17-79, 1973 at Camp Mountain Run. Packanke Lodge 419, despite merging with Unalachtigo 168 in June to form Kuskitannee Lodge 168, Packanke was still in attendance. The event booklet confirms that this was in fact Packanke's final event. Neal Bronder, who was the chairman of the merger committee, explained in an email:

    "The attendance at the final 3-B Meeting was about half and half from Packanke and Unalachtigo for a total of around (40). At the election in June all Kuskitannee officers were elected from the old Packanke lodge except the district vice chiefs from Glacier Ridge District and River Valley Districts (you had to live in the district to be elected vice chief of the district). The officers at the 3-B Meeting were from Kuskitannee, but I believe we were registered as Packanke. I think they wanted to be part of the final 3-B Meeting."

Area 3-B Conferences
1954 Ah'Tic 139 Camp Mountain Run 1964 Ah'Tic 139 Camp Mountain Run
1955 Eriez 46 Camp Sequoyah 1965 Pachanke 419 Camp Agawam
1956 Packanke 419 Camp Agawam 1966 Amadahi 441 Roaring Run SR
1957 Gyantwachia 255 Camp Olmsted 1967 Gyantwachia 255 Camp Olmsted
1958 Wopsononock 347 Camp Wisawanik 1968 Wopsononock 347 Blair Bedford SR
1959 Amadahi 441 Roaring Run SR 1969 Skanondo Inyan 256 Camp Coffman
1960 Skanondo Inyan 256 Camp Coffman 1970 Allegewi 455 Camp Elk Lick
1961 Allegewi 455 Camp Elk Lick 1971 Eriez 46 Camp Sequoyah
1962 Eriez 46 Camp Sequoyah 1972 Hoh-Squa-Sa-Gah-Da 251 Custaloga Town SR
1963 Hoh-Squa-Sa-Gah-Da 251 Riverside Park, Greenville, PA 1973 Ah'Tic 139 Camp Mountain Run

1954 7th 3-B Conference 
Camp Mountain Run, PA
Ah'Tic 139
Sep 3-5, 1954
1955 8th 3-B Conference 
Camp Sequoyah, PA
Eriez 46
Aug 26-28, 1955
1956 3-B Conference 
Camp Agawam, PA
Packanke 419
Aug 24-26, 1956

1957 3-B Conference 
Camp Olmsted, PA
Gyantwachia 255
Aug 23-25, 1957

image from conclavepatch.patchtrade.com
1958 11th 3-B Conference 
Camp Wisawanik, PA
Wopsononock 347
Sep 5-7, 1958
1958 11th 3-B Conference 
Camp Wisawanik, PA
Wopsononock 347
Sep 5-7, 1958

image from eBay

1959 3-B Conference 
Roaring Run SR, PA
Amadahi 441
Aug 21-23, 1959
1960 13th 3-B Conference 
Camp Coffman, PA
Skanondo Inyan 256
Aug 19-21, 1960
1961 3-B Conference 
Camp Elk Lick, PA
Allegewi 455
Aug 25-27, 1961

1962 15th 3-B Conference 
Camp Sequoyah, PA
Eriez 46
Aug 24-26, 1962
1962 15th 3-B Conference 
Camp Sequoyah, PA
Eriez 46
Aug 24-26, 1962
1963 16th 3-B Conference 
Riverside Park, Greenville, PA
Hoh-Squa-Sa-Gah-Da 251
Aug 23-25, 1963

1964 17th 3-B Conference 
Camp Mountain Run, PA
Ah'Tic 139
Aug 21-23, 1964
1965 3-B Conference 
Camp Agawam, PA
Pachanke 419
Aug 20-22, 1965
1965 3-B Conference 
Camp Agawam, PA
Pachanke 419
Aug 20-22, 1965

1966 19th 3-B Conference 
Roaring Run SR, PA
Amadahi 441
Aug 19-21, 1966
1967 3-B Conference 
Camp Olmsted, PA
Gyantwachia 255
Aug 18-20, 1967
1967 3-B Conference 
Camp Olmsted, PA
Gyantwachia 255
Aug 18-20, 1967

image from eBay

1968 21st 3-B Conference 
Blair Bedford SR, PA
Wopsononock 347
Aug 16-18, 1968
1969 3-B Conference 
Camp Coffman, PA
Skanondo Inyan 256
Aug 15-17, 1969
1969 3-B Conference 
Camp Coffman, PA
Skanondo Inyan 256
Aug 15-17, 1969

1970 23rd 3-B Conference 
Camp Elk Lick, PA
Allegewi 455
Jun 19-21, 1970
1971 24th 3-B Conference 
Camp Sequoyah, PA
Eriez 46
Jun 18-20, 1971
1972 25th 3-B Conference 
Custaloga Town SR, PA
Hoh-Squa-Sa-Gah-Da 251
Aug 18-20, 1972

1973 3-B Conference 
Camp Mountain Run, PA
Ah'Tic 139
Aug 17-19, 1973

image courtesy of Todd Rogers

OAS My Collection: Area III-B
Created: May 2010
This page updated: 
New Lodges Since 2004
Areas E, F, & III-B
Area III-F
Section NE-5C
Section NE-5
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Section NE-4A
Section E14

Copyright © 2010-25 by Robert Higgins. All rights reserved.