As a result of the 2008 Northeast Region Realignment, the three Pennsylvania lodges of NE-3A (Langundowi 46, Ho-Nan-Ne-Ho-Ont 165, and Gyantwachia 255) were reunited with their brothers from the northern half of the old Section NE-5 to form the new NE-4A:

NE-4A (2009-2011)
Langundowi 46 (from NE-3A)
Ho-Nan-Ne-Ho-Ont 165 (from NE-3A)
Gyantwachia 255 (from NE-3A)
Ah'Tic 139 (from NE-4B)
Kuskitannee 168 (from NE-4B)

Lodges of Section NE-4A

French Creek s59

Bucktail t1

Allegheny Highlands s3

Moraine Trails t2

Chief Cornplanter t2

Langundowi 46 s18
2021 Area 4 Conclave

Ah'Tic 139 s30 75th Anniv.

Ho-Nan-Ne-Ho-Ont 165 s7

Kuskitannee 168 s6 50th Anniv.

Gyantwachia 255 s12

Section NE-4A Conclaves
2009 Langundowi 46 Custaloga Town SR
2010 Ah'Tic 139 Camp Mountain Run
2011 Ho-Nan-Ne-Ho-Ont 165 Elk Lick Scout Reservation

2009 NE-4A Conclave 
Custaloga Town SR, PA
Langundowi 46
Jun 12-14, 2009
2010 NE-4A Conclave 
Camp Mountain Run, PA
Ah'Tic 139
Jun 11-13, 2010
2011 NE-4A Conclave 
Elk Lick SR, PA
Ho-Nan-Ne-Ho-Ont 165
Jun 10-12, 2011

As a result of the 2011 Northeast Region Realignment, Wyona 18 Woapeu and Sisilija 343 were transferred from NE-5B, whilte Kuskitannee 168 was moved back to NE-4B:

Old NE-4A

New NE-4A (2011-21)

to NE-4B
Langundowi 46
Ah'Tic 139
Ho-Nan-Ne-Ho-Ont 165
Gyantwachia 255
Wyona 18 (from NE-5B)
Woapeu Sisilija 343 (from NE-5B)
Kuskitannee 168

Section NE-4A Conclaves
2012 Woapeu Sisilija 343 Camp Karoondinha
2013 Gyantwachia 255 Camp Olmsted
2014 Wyona 18 Camp Lavigne
2015 Langundowi 46 Custaloga Town SR
2016 Ah'Tic 139 Camp Mountain Run
2017 Ho-Nan-Ne-Ho-Ont 165 Elk Lick SR
2018 Woapeu Sisilija 343 Camp Karoondinha
2019 Gyantwachia 255 Camp Olmsted
2020 canceled (COVID-19) n/a
2021 Wagion 6 Camp Conestoga, Eberly SR w/ NE-4B
2012 NE-4A Conclave 
Camp Karoondinha, PA
Woapeu Sisilija 343
Jun 8-10, 2012
2013 NE-4A Conclave 
Camp Olmsted, PA
Gyantwachia 255
Jun 7-9, 2013

2014 NE-4A Conclave 
red bordered arrowhead

image courtesy of New York OA Trader
2014 NE-4A Conclave 
black bordered arrowhead (trading post)
2015 NE-4A Conclave 
Custaloga Town SR, PA
Langundowi 46
Jun 5-7, 2015
2016 NE-4A Conclave 
Camp Mountain Run, PA
Ah'Tic 139
Jun 10-12, 2016
Camp Lavigne, PA
Wyona 18
Jun 6-8, 2014

image courtesy of New York OA Trader image courtesy of New York OA Trader

2017 NE-4A Conclave set 
Elk Lick SR, PA
Ho-Nan-Ne-Ho-Ont 165
Jun 9-11, 2017

image courtesy of New York OA Trader

silver border: section officer 

green border: Langundowi 46 

2018 NE-4A Conclave 
black bordered

2018 NE-4A Conclave 
red bordered (staff, 100 made)

image courtesy Todd Rogers
Set of Seven: border color matches the background of the numbered star for each of the lodges in the section, plus a silver bordered issue for section officers. The host lodge, Ho-Nan-Ne-Ho-Ont #165, patch was yellow. Due to an ordering issue, they only ordered 70 per color and didn’t order them in quantities sufficient to enable the sale of full sets, with most attendees only receiving their lodge’s border color patch.

Camp Karoondinha, PA
Woapeu Sisilija 343
Jun 8-10, 2018
2019 NE-4A Conclave patch set  2020 NE-4A Conclave promotional patch  2021 NE-4A & NE-4B Conclave  2021 NE-4A & NE-4B Conclave
yellow bg, Competition Winner
Camp Olmsted, PA
Gyantwachia 255
Jun 14-16, 2019
patch issued in 2019, event was canceled (COVID-19) Camp Conestoga, Eberly SR, PA
Wagion 6
Jun 11-13, 2021

As a result of Project Magellan, Section NE-4A was renamed E14, with no change in lodges:

Section E14 j1 
Black border fundraiser jacket patch ($25)
issued 2023
Old NE-4A / New E14
Wyona 18
Langundowi 46
Ah'Tic 139
Ho-Nan-Ne-Ho-Ont 165
Gyantwachia 255
Woapeu Sisilija 343

Section E14 j2 
GMY border fundraiser jacket patch ($50)
issued 2023
image courtesy Todd Rogers

Section E14 Conclaves
2022 Wyona 18 Camp Lavigne
2023 Langundowi 46 Custaloga Town SR
2024 Ah'Tic 139 Camp Mountain Run w/ E12
2025 Monaken 103 Seven Mountains Scout Camp w/ E12

2022 E14 Conclave  2022 E14 Conclave (trading post)  2023 E14 Conclave  2024 E12 & E14 Conclave  2025 E12 & E14 Conclave
Camp Lavigne, PA
Wyona 18
Jun 10-12, 2022
Custaloga Town SR, PA
Langundowi 46
Jun 9-11, 2023
Camp Mountain Run, PA
Ah'Tic 139
Jun 7-9, 2024
Seven Mountains Scout Camp
Monaken 103

OAS My Collection: Section NE-4A
Created: Mar. 2011
This page updated:
Menawngihella Lodge Flap Space Fillers
Areas E, F, & III-B
Area III-F
Section NE-5C
Section NE-5
Section NE-5A
Section NE-3A
Sections NE-4A & E14

Copyright © 2011-24 by Robert Higgins. All rights reserved.